
时间:2022-07-30 18:29:55  来源:bat365  作者: 阅读量:




2018.09-2022.06 同济大学 经济与管理学院 管理学博士

2015.09-2018.06 bat365中文官方网站 bat365 管理学硕士

2011.09-2015.06 赣南师范大学 经济管理学院 管理学学士


·Li, M., Xu, X.*, & Kwan, H. K. (2021). The antecedents and consequences of workplace envy: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. DOI:10.1007/s10490-021-09772-y

·Xu, X., Kwan, H. K., & Li, M. (2020). Experiencing workplace ostracism with loss of engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(7/8), 617-630.

·Kwan, H. K., Li, M., Wu, X., & Xu, X. (共同一作). (2021). The need to belong: how to reduce workplace ostracism. Service Industries Journal, 42(9–10), 716–737.

Xu, X., Wang, Y., Li, M., & Kwan, H. K. (2021). Paradoxical effects of performance pressure on employees’ in-role behaviors: An approach/avoidance model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 744404.

·Li, M., Xu, X.* (通讯作者), & Kwan, H. K. (2021). Consequences of workplace ostracism: A meta-analytic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 641302.

关浩光, 李苗苗, 徐小凤. (2021). 家庭支持型领导行为研究. 北京: 科学出版社.

徐小凤, 李苗苗, 关浩光, 王奕辉. (2021). 家庭和谐对员工韧性的影响: 自我效能感与社会支持的作用. 中国人力资源开发, 38(6), 68-78.

Kwan, H.K., Xu, X., Chen, H. & Li, M. (2020). Exploring why and when mentors' drinking norms impact protégés' alcohol misuse, Kumar, P. and Budhwar, P. (Ed.), Mentorship-driven Talent Management (pp. 87-105), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

·徐小凤, 高日光. (2019). 领导正直对员工情感承诺的影响:一个被调节的中介作用模型.预测, 38(3), 1–8.

·高日光, 徐小凤, 钟艳萍, 王碧英. (2017). 管理者的自恋特质会诱发破坏性领导行为吗?——道德脱离和政治技能的作用. 中国人力资源开发, 000(009), 34-43.

徐小凤, 高日光. (2016). 谦卑型领导的前因与结果: 人格与组织政治知觉的作用. 中国人力资源开发, (13), 22-27.


Xu, X., Li, M., & Kwan, H. K. (2021). The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review. Best Paper Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Online.

Li, M., Xu, X., & Kwan, H. K. (2021). The antecedents and consequences of workplace envy: A meta-analytic review. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Online.

·Xu, X., Kwan, H. K., & Li, M. (2020). Workplace ostracism undermines job engagement. The 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Austin, Texas, US.

·Li, M. Kwan, H. K., Wu, X., & Xu, X. (2020). The need to belong: How to reduce workplace ostracism. The 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Austin, Texas, US.


·Asia Pacific Journal of Management 匿名审稿人

·Frontiers in Psychology 匿名审稿人

·Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(AOM会议) 匿名审稿人

Asia Academy of Management Conference(AAOM会议) 匿名审稿人